Monday, November 9, 2015


An oracle told Perseus grandfather that Perseus would kill him so he locked her daughter in a tower and there were no doors or anything, until a bright golden light shined through a very small window and Zeus came and said he would marry her. so they did and Zeus turned the prison into a land and then her father saw the light and he told the guards to rip down one of the walls and when he did they saw her with a baby in her lap. And he was so mad he put Perseus and her mother in a chest and sent them drifting into the sea. And they arrived to a land and the person on the island were getting married so they had to bring a gift but they were poor so Perseus said he would get anything he asked for, so he asked for a Gorgons head so Perseus went to slay the gorgon Medusa. And when he got to the lair Medusa and her sisters were sleeping so he chopped off Medusa's head with a sickle. Then Perseus killed his grandfather because he mistreated his mother.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Medusa loves Poseidon. and her enemy is Athena because Athena made her that hideous creature because Athena caught Poseidon and Medusa kissing in her temple so Athena turned Medusa into Medusa. And i know some of you think that it was Athena's fault that Medusa turns people into stone but no it isnt its just that Medusa is lonely so she makes statues for company. would you like it if you caught someone in your area doing somethimg. So you would do that if you were Athena. Her parents are Phorcys and Ceto. and she only has 2 children.


Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea and the sister of the big three ( Zeus, Poseidon, Hades ).
Her abode is Mount Olympus, and her symbols are Wheat, Torch, Bread, Cornocopia. And her other names are Sito and Thesmophoros.Her consorts are lasion, Zeus, Oceanus, Karmanor, Poseidon, and trioptolemus.And she is the Godess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest.And she has 8 children.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Well first of all i think you all know Hades. He is  the god of the Underworld and interesting fact is that half blood and gods all go to the underworld when they die there is no heaven in Greek mythology.

and don't think that since you saw Hercules and saw that Hades is evil don't think that because hes not just because hes the ruler of the underworld dosent really mean hes evil he is actually a good person. I use to think that he was a bad person to but since my teacher ms. Dullard explained it to me that's when i noticed that he wasn't a bad person. And his symbols are Cerberus, cornucopia, scepter, cypress, narcissus, and a key. His consort is the Persephone.  


Monday, October 19, 2015


Poseidon is the son of Kronus and Rhea. His abode is Mount Olympiad or the sea, and his symbol is Trident, fish, dolphin, horse and bull. His consort is Amphitrite.
His siblings are Hades, Zeus, Demeter, Hestia, Hera. And his children are Theseus, Triton,Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Atlas.
His roman equivalent is Neptune. He is the god of the sea, Earthquakes, storms, and Horses.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Athena'a battles

Athena is the daughter of Zeus I bet she has never even lost one battle because she's still alive isn't she exactly she had to win every battle she is Zeus daughter Zeus is powerful I think that her battling is in her jeans.not literally like for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about its like she inherited her father's let's get to who she battled and did she win every battle

Okay the first one is the battle against her and Ares during the Trojan war.ares has the thirst of battling and Athena battles for justice.Ares took side of each Trojans and Athena took the side of the Greeks.When they were fighting Ares got a wound and Ares had to leave the battlefield and go to mount Olympus to get tended by Zeus.the one thing I didn't get was why would Zeus heal Ares, Ares tried to kill his own daughter.

Image result for athena

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Athena'a life

Athena `s life is so interesting like her father Zeus because When Athena was born, she wasn`t born like a regular person or wasn't born by her mother.

She was born through her father, Zeus. She was born through a thought, Zeus was just thinking and then she crawled out his head. But he wasn't hurt or anything because Gods cant be hurt physically they could be hurt emotionally. so that's shes the God of wisdom because she was born through a thought. isn't that interesting and cool.

Check out my other blogs to see my other interesting blogs.

Image result for athena being born

Monday, September 28, 2015


Well first of all Athena's  parents are Zeus Metis and Hera I don't know how she has three parents, probably her parents got a divorce and they married someone else.Athena must be proud that her dad is Zeus.She has 16 brothers and sisters.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and crafts.Her abode is Mount Olympias.Her symbols are Owls, Olive trees, Snakes, Aegis, Amor, Helmets, Spears,and Gorgonein.She is not married and she doesn't have any children.see you tomorrow.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Zeus`s life

First when Zeus was born his father was going to eat him but Rhea (his mother) said why are you eating my children so Rhea gave Cronos a rock wrapped in a blanket and said here this is the baby that was just born, swallow it and Cronus swallowed it.

And then when Zeus got older he made Cronus throw-up his brothers and sisters and then they killed Cronus they cut off his head.And then Zeus became the god of the sky and everything.I got to be honest with you Zeus`a life is really interesting.Well that's all for me I will be talking about more Greek mythology and myths next week keep reading my blogs.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Zeus battles

Hi,today I'm talking about Zeus`s battles and who he battles and if he wins.ok so first off Zeus is very powerful and wins all his battles but that's my opinion because he's the Lord of the sky and everything but let's see if he wins all his battles.I was right Zeus did win all his battles Zeus is very powerful.

 Now I'm going to talk about who Zeus battled.He battled his own father because he was going to swallow him and his brothers because someone told him something about his child and there were going to rule the world or something so Cronus started swallowing them so yeah,the next one Zeus battled was Typhon because Typhoon was destroying cities and countries so all the gods fled to Egypt and turned themselves into animals like Zeus was a bull so they all battled and Zeus won.Ok that was my last one,keep reading my blogs bye.

Zeus in battle.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hey I'm back and this week I'm going to be talking about Greek mythology,for today I'm going to be talking about Zeus the Greek god,well first of all Zeus belonged to Cronus  and Rhea and he has 17 children,and one of them is Athena,his siblings helped him stay alive because he was going to get eaten,now those are good siblings.

Zeus is the god of the sky,lightning,thunder,law,order,and justice.His symbols are thunderbolt,eagle,bull,and oak.People say that he's the king of heaven because he's the king of lightning.OK that's all for this blog check to my next blog,see you later.


All about me

  Hi fellow friends my name is Ameer Babwah, this is my first blog and i will like to see what you blog, my favorite movie in the world is minions and i love minions they are so adorable i will actually die if i get a minion, i am 11 and my favorite sport is baseball and love animals my favorite sea animal is a dolphin, and my favorite land animal are puppies well thats about me check out my next blog bye.