Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Emperor Zoo

The Emperor Zoo in Trinidad inst that much it is not that big but they have a lot of Animals. like Adult and baby tigers the baby tigers looked like Adult Tigers though  and they have giant snakes and they have lions, and big Alligators and they have an aquarium and owls, monkeys and they have this special place for animals its like rehab but for animals and they're mostly birds they squawk so much   it is annoying.

They have angle fish and giraffes and they have so many hills and stairs it is outside they also have candy and refreshments and it is so hot but in the aquarium it has  air  conditioning so thats good. and they have a reptile place and when i went i saw a wet dead rat next to the sleeping snake it was so awesome but sadly i didn't get to see the snake eat it but i liked the zoo and when you exit you cant go back in.

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